Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 13-15: 29 June-8 July 2009

Decomposition is progressing very slowly at this point. The pigs look very similar each time I sample. Most of the carcasses have a leathery surface, with activity mainly underneath each pig.


Collected at farm: Carrion beetles (Necrophila americana and Necrodes surinamensis), rove beetles (Platydracus spp., Achenomorphus corticinus and Creophilus maxillosus), clown beetles (Hister spp.), hide beetles (Trox unistriatus and Dermestes pulcher), the small dung beetle (Onthophagus spp.), sap beetle (Omosita colon), and ground beetles of the family Carabidae.

Collected at CSU: The hairy rove beetle (Creophilus maxillosus), Red-legged ham beetle (Necrobia rufipes), the Black-legged ham beetle (Necrobia violacea), a wood-boring beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum), hide beetles (Dermestes pulcher) and Hister beetles.


Although there is little blowfly activity at this stage, the flies that emerged from pupa were collected if available. At CSU, all of the emerged flies were identified as Phormia regina. There were so many flies emerging that the lean-to and the cage were covered, as seen in the picture below.

Submitted by Krystal Hans, MS student, Cleveland State University, 25 August 2009.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 11: 27 June 2009

The carcasses are in the post decay stage of decomposition, but are becoming more leathery on the surface. Maggot activity is still present underneath the pigs in the soft tissues that remain. Beetles have been collected from the carcasses as well as the pitfall traps.


Collected at farm: Carrion beetles (Necrophila americana and Oiceoptoma rugulosum), rove beetles (Platydracus spp. and Creophilus maxillosus), the Red-legged ham beetle (Necrobia rufipes), clown beetles (Hister spp.), hide beetles (Trox unistriatus) and ground beetles of the family Carabidae.

Collected at CSU: The hairy rove beetle Creophilus maxillosus, hide beetles (Dermestes pulcher), a scarab beetle (Sercia sericea) and Hister beetles.


Collected at CSU: Phormia regina and Lucilia sericata, the sheep blow fly.

More puparia are present all around the carcasses and in the pitfall traps.

Pig 4. Location: CSU. Most of the tissue has been consumed, but there are still maggots underneath and wandering off the carcass (Above). The leg with the abscess is no longer recognizable as most of the tissue is gone (Below).

Pig 6. Location: University Farm. The surface of the pig is very leathery and dry, but maggots of various sizes are present on and under the carcass.

Submitted by Krystal Hans, MS student, Cleveland State University, 14 August 2009.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 10: 25 June 2009

Although maggots in the third instar have moved off the carcass, there is still plenty of activity. A great deal of activity is underneath the carcasses and in the pitfall traps. There are few blowflies to collect, but beetles, ants and maggots are plentiful.


Collected at the farm: Carrion beetles (Necrodes surinamensis and Oiceoptoma rugulosum), rove beetles (Platydracus spp. and Creophilus maxillosus), the redshouldered ham beetle (Necrobia ruficollis), the small dung beetle (Onthophagus spp.), clown beetles (Hister spp.), hide beetle (Trox unistriatus) and a ground beetle of the family Carabidae.

Collected at CSU: The hairy rove beetle Creophilus maxillosus and Hister beetles.

Postfeeding maggots migrate away from the body to find a safe place to form puparia. Two pupa can be seen in the picture above. The difference in color is due to variation in age among the puparia with red being the youngest.

As the maggots wander, they fall into the pitfall traps placed in each direction from the carcasses. At some sites, the pitfall traps were completely full of mature maggots, as pictured above.

Pig 5. Location: University Farm. Although the surface of the carcass is leathery and hard, the moist tissues underneath are still suitable for maggots.

Pig 4. Location: CSU. The number of maggots present on the carcass has increased as they actively consume the pig (Above). The abscess is quickly decomposed due to maggot activity (Below).
Submitted by Krystal Hans, MS student, Cleveland State University, 13 August 2009.

Day 9: 24 June 2009

The carcasses are decomposing and maggot activity is incredible. Of the maggots collected for rearing at CSU, most consist of Phormia regina, the black blowfly, but Cochliomyia macellaria, the secondary screwworm fly have also been reared from this area.

Pig 3. Location: CSU. The carcass is deflated and maggot masses are present underneath the carcass. The fluids of decomposition have stained the grass black beneath the carcass and is visible where the head was located.

Pig 4. Location: CSU. Large maggot masses are visible on the neck and underneath the carcasses (Above). The leg with the abscess is now occupied by feeding maggots, which have created 2 holes in the leg (Below).
Submitted by Krystal Hans, MS student, Cleveland State University, 13 August 2009.

Day 8: 23 June 2009

The carcasses have begun to deflate as maggots feed on various areas of the body. The pigs are looking greasy and leathery. Very few flies are present and the largest maggots have reached their postfeeding stage and are wandering off the carcass. Flies were collected with sweepnet if present. Beetles and maggots were collected from carcasses and pitfall traps.


Collected at farm: Carrion beetles (Necrophila americana and Oiceoptoma novaboracense), rove beetles (Platydracus spp. and Creophilus maxillosus), the small dung beetle (Onthophagus spp.), clown beetles (Hister spp.), hide beetle (Trox unistriatus) and a ground beetle of the family Carabidae.

Collected at CSU: The hairy rove beetle Creophilus maxillosus, Hister beetles and a ground beetle of the family Carabidae.


Collected at farm: mostly Phormia regina and 1 Protophormia terraenovae.

Collected at CSU: Phormia regina and 1 Protophormia terraenovae.

Pig 4. Location: CSU. Blowfly activity and few maggot masses on carcass, but this carcass is not decomposing as quickly as the other pig at CSU and still remains mostly intact (Above). Blowflies are present on the abscess which is still swollen, but has opened and is full of maggots (Below).

Pig 5. Location: University Farm. Maggots have spread out over the carcass and are feeding in various areas (Above). A large maggot mass is present on the hind area of the pig (Below).

Submitted by Krystal Hans, MS student, Cleveland State University, 13 August 2009.